6 Types of Links You Should Never Build

six types of links you should never build

With all the recent changes in the search engines, some tactics that used to work well with link building are now no longer working. I want to talk to you today about the kind of linking strategies that you should definitely avoid.

6 types of links you should definitely avoid:

1. Lots of links all at once

A long time ago you used to be able to push dozens even hundreds and sometimes thousands of links from one or two sources to get your website to rank quickly. And it worked! Well, no longer.

Doing anything remotely like this today is the absolute kiss of death to any website. Updates like Penguin guarantee that if you do not have a diversified link profile, your site will eventually vanish from the search engines.

2. No Diversification Of Your Links

You used to be able to send lots of links from one or two platforms and Google was okay with it. Now, today, you want to have as many different backlinks from as many different platforms as you possibly can.

This is because Google is now looking for a large cross-section of highly diversified links, IP addresses and of course different platforms that you are linked to. Make sure you try to get links from as many different places as possible.

3. Bad Neighborhoods

Years ago, any kind of backlink was considered a good link. As time progressed, Google began to identify certain kinds of links that they deemed low-quality or existing in a “bad neighborhood”.

These links include places like pornographic websites, places that allow for illegal downloads and/or questionable file sharing, multiple links from dead locations, and any place that could be considered websites that spam people on a regular basis, such as payday loans, low-quality article distribution networks and anyplace that has been involved in trying to manipulate page ranking.

4. Black Hat And Grey Hat Websites

Google is constantly searching out any kind of website that is selling backlinks in order to manipulate page ranking. Even though this may not always be the case, any website that has been in the past cost manipulating page ranking is certainly not a site you want to build links from.

In fact, you may wish to consider using the disavow tool when you find these links on your link profile. How will you know you have them? Go to your Google webmaster tools and see if you’ve received some kind of manual penalty for any of these kinds of links. Get rid of them as fast as you can.

5. Low PR Directories and Related Pages

One of the most interesting aspects of link building is directories and any page that promises to get your site indexed in search engines. If you plan on doing this, I highly suggest that you only use Google.

There are many low PR directories that will spam your website to thousands of pages across the internet that essentially do nothing for your website and in some cases stand out like a sore thumb and scream unnatural link profile.

This was not always the case, and years ago these directories did help websites to be found not only locally but regionally.

Having too many links to these low-quality directories is like adding more toxic links to your website profile.

6. Buying Cheap Links From Unskilled Link Builders

Webmasters used to hire link building from just about anybody in the past. This is because, years ago, just about anybody could successfully build links to your website before all of the algorithm changes took place.

Now if you’re going to hire an effective link building team, you must make sure they use only white hat 100% Google friendly methods, or not only can you hurt your search engine page rankings but waste your time and money as well.

So as you can see there are a number of reasons why you should not build certain kinds of links. This list goes on here. So it’s a really good idea to consult with people that are true experts when it comes to the right kind of link building you should do.

Please feel free to contact us and will be glad to assist you and plan out exactly the kind of link building you should be doing.

By Uprankly Team

Uprankly editorial team covers a wide range of online business topics, including SEO, link building, content site building, and web technology. Our team has a number of in-house writers.

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