Unleashing the Power of SEO: An Exclusive Interview with Jared Bauman

An Exclusive Interview with Jared Bauman

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) holds a pivotal role in driving organic traffic, increasing online visibility, and ultimately fueling business growth. Today, we are thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with Jared Bauman, an industry-recognized SEO expert and the founder of 201creative.com.

With nearly two decades of experience in business management and digital marketing, Jared has established himself as a sought-after authority in the realm of SEO. Through his expertise and strategic approach, he has helped numerous companies triple their revenues by precisely attracting customers who are ready to buy what they are selling.

Jared Bauman, CEO and Co-Founder of 201 Creative

As the renowned Niche Pursuits podcast host, Jared has captivated a global audience with his insights, advice, and deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape. He is also a regular contributor to Search Engine Land and a highly sought-after speaker at prestigious marketing conferences.

In this interview, we dive into Jared’s journey, discovering how he developed his expertise in SEO and his unique strategies for driving business growth.

We explore the principles behind his agency’s proprietary SES Matrix, which has enabled clients to achieve remarkable results. Jared shares his perspectives on emerging trends in SEO, overlooked strategies, and the importance of staying ahead in the rapidly changing digital landscape.

If you’re eager to unlock the full potential of SEO and harness its transformative power for your business, this interview with Jared Bauman is an invaluable resource. Get ready to gain insights, actionable tips, and a fresh perspective on how to leverage SEO to propel your online success.

Join us as we delve into the mind of Jared Bauman, unraveling the secrets behind his SEO prowess and discovering the path to elevating your digital marketing game.

Exclusive Interview with Jared Bauman

Q. With your extensive experience in business management and digital marketing, how did you develop a strong focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and what inspired you to start your own SEO agency?

I’ve always used digital marketing to grow the companies that I’ve started in the past. My first company was Bauman Photographers, and I hired someone to help our SEO efforts in 2008.

The economy had just taken a turn for the worse, and I wanted to invest in marketing channels that would help produce long-term growth. That was my first introduction to SEO.

At my second company, ShootDotEdit, excelled in all areas of online marketing except SEO. I quickly learned the painful lesson that just writing good content does not mean that traffic comes – you need to understand SEO.

I became a man on a mission, trying to figure out how to get our content to rank so we could generate organic traffic from Google. I read every article and listened to every podcast.

I tried everything I learned, tested various approaches, and measured results. As a result, I got good at it.

201 Creative handles a wide range of marketing efforts for our clients. But, our SEO work is so specialized and focused, that it is what we are referred for the most.

Q. As the founder of 201creative.com, can you tell us about the unique approach or strategies your agency employs to help clients triple their revenues through SEO?

We have a very systematic approach to growing our client’s organic traffic. Nothing is done without a customized plan that is tailored to the specific company. Every campaign is focused on one thing: increasing revenue.

Ultimately, SEO isn’t about more keywords or page views, it’s about increasing revenue. While often time all of those components work together, focusing on revenue first and foremost allows us to drive results quicker and more effectively.

Q. Can you provide us with an overview of the SES Matrix, your agency’s proprietary methodology for precisely attracting customers who are ready to buy? How does it contribute to the success of your clients’ SEO strategies?

After analyzing and planning, we start with SEO work: optimizing the website and content for search traffic. Getting your brand organically found online takes precision.

It’s not black magic, even though it might look like it to your competitors. Data-driven optimization puts your brand at the exact spot your target audience is looking for and ensures your business will get all the leads that your reputation has worked so hard to create.

Optimization means nothing without creating results so we’ll leave vanity metrics like “eyeballs and visits” at the door. Once we’ve locked in your ideal customer traffic, we’ll supercharge growth by increasing awareness and creating a ton of new leads. Since these leads were already looking for you, they’re actually customers and ready to buy.

Now it’s time to harvest and convert all those hard-earned leads into revenue-producing customers. This is where we turn your SEM successes into real money, by retargeting hot leads through organic traffic, creating focused email funnels, leveraging Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) on all your buying pages, and initiating affiliate relationships and partnerships to ensure maximum market coverage.

Q. As the host of the Niche Pursuits podcast, what are some common challenges or trends you’ve observed in the world of SEO and digital marketing? How do you stay ahead of these changes to continually deliver effective strategies?

SEO is complicated, time-consuming, and ever-changing. Unfortunately, most fail at one (or more) of those three.

  1. Complicated: Google’s algorithm is comprised of hundreds of factors, and knowing how to apply these factors on a query and page level is very complicated.
  2. Time-consuming: SEO takes time to work, and the feedback loop is very long and lengthy. Many jump off the train before it arrives.
  3. Ever changing: What worked yesterday doesn’t work today and won’t work tomorrow. Using outdated tactics and not knowing what is working today will limit your effectiveness.

Having an insatiable curiosity is important to stay on top of industry changes.

Q. With your vast experience in starting and selling multiple companies, how important do you believe SEO is in the overall success and growth of a business? Can you share any specific examples or success stories where SEO played a pivotal role?

SEO is very important. Long term, it allows you to further control your traffic sources and have stable revenue. It can even allow you to pull back your ad spend.

More importantly, though, is that SEO puts your brand in front of potential clients who are actively searching for what you do. It’s hard to beat that with other forms of marketing.

Most of our clients share just how impactful it is to not have to rely on ad spend or inconsistent referrals to keep business coming in the door.

Q. In your opinion, what are some key elements that businesses often overlook when it comes to SEO? Are there any underrated strategies or techniques that you find particularly effective in driving organic traffic and conversions?

Because SEO is complicated and nuanced, a lot of businesses will throw the baby out with the bath water. Believe it or not, a business doesn’t need an SEO expert to help improve rankings in some areas. Being active online and investing in various digital channels can go a long way.

With that said, the most effective technique is to comprehensively combine all of your online efforts into a centralized strategy. When you harness a top-down view of your content strategy, you can maximize the results you get. Content, backlinks, PR, video, social media – having a high-level goal and then tactics to execute drives results.

Q. Since links have consistently ranked among the top three factors in search engine rankings, do you believe that link building will become even more critical as AI-powered content creation tools make it easier for websites to publish content at a higher frequency?

Links have always been important, and they will continue to be important. It’s impossible to predict the implications that AI will have on SEO but it shouldn’t change the value that links have to a website.

More importantly, as AI content begins to replace human-generated content for a lot of things, the need for a business or person to showcase expertise, authenticity, and experience will increase. Links will play a vital role in getting those things surfaced for a business.

Q. Can you share your approaches to link building?

We approach link building from a holistic view, preferring to see it as part of a larger Digital PR process. The goal is to get the website talked about in areas online that are authoritative, trusted, and relevant. Links are the currency, but the process is being an active part of the conversation.

It is important to balance all of these factors though. Paying attention to the relevancy of a link and its anchor text is vital. Keeping a close eye on follow vs no follow percentages, types of links and their ratios, etc – these factors ensure that a campaign will have a positive ROI.

Q. Lastly, what advice do you have for businesses or individuals looking to improve their SEO efforts and achieve tangible results?

Learn, do, measure. You have to start by learning what is working, and thoroughly understanding all of the facets of SEO. However, it means nothing if you aren’t actively doing it, day in and day out. But, without reflection on the work, and measuring its results, you won’t know what is working and what isn’t.

As you mature in this process, you’ll have a feedback loop of what is working, and you will learn more about it to improve. Continuing to implement this cycle will improve your results.


We hope that this exclusive interview with Jared Bauman has been a valuable resource for you, shedding light on various aspects of SEO campaigns and providing insights, knowledge, and strategies from an industry-recognized expert.

Jared’s deep understanding of SEO, combined with his vast experience in business management and digital marketing, has given us a unique glimpse into the world of driving organic traffic, attracting ready-to-buy customers, and achieving remarkable business growth.

Throughout the interview, Jared shared his perspectives on the current state of SEO, the integration of AI in digital marketing, and the importance of effective link building strategies. His expertise and thoughtful insights have undoubtedly provided you with actionable takeaways to enhance your own SEO endeavors.

As we strive to bring you more valuable content and interviews with industry experts, we kindly request your support in sharing this interview with your network.

By doing so, you not only help us reach more individuals who can benefit from this wealth of knowledge but also contribute to fostering a community of digital marketing enthusiasts who are passionate about growth and success.

Additionally, we would greatly appreciate any recommendations or suggestions you may have for future expert interviews. If there are specific individuals you believe can offer unique insights and perspectives on the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, please let us know. Your input plays a crucial role in shaping the content we bring to you.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to continue providing you with valuable resources and interviews to support your digital marketing journey. Together, let’s unlock the potential of SEO and achieve new heights of success.

Where you can find me…

Websites: https://weekendgrowth.com , https://201creative.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaredbauman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jaredbauman

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By Uprankly Team

Uprankly editorial team covers a wide range of online business topics, including SEO, link building, content site building, and web technology. Our team has a number of in-house writers.